Kjaer Weis The Beautiful Night Potion -seerumi 30 ml
- Kuvaus
- Ainesosat
- Käyttö
Kosteuttava, uudistava ja heleyttävä yöseerumi joka valmistelee ihosi yöllä seuraavaa aamua varten. Aamulla iho on kuulas ja kaunis, täydellisesti prepattu meikkiä varten.
Tuote sisältää mm. luomulaatuista rypäleensiemenuutetta, joka kuorii ihoa hellävaraisesti, hasselpähkinäöljyä joka kosteuttaa ja ravitsee ihoa lisäten sen elastisuutta, sekä moringaöljyä joka uudistaa ihoa.
Dermatologically tested. Certified-Organic. 100% Natural. Cruelty-free.
- This product gives my skin a healthy glow - 91%
- My skin feels retexturised and refined - 88%
- My skin feels moisturised - 95%
- My skin feels hydrated - 94%
- My skin feels smoother - 92%
- My skin feels renewed by morning - 89%
- This product visibly improves the appearance of my skin after every wear - 85%
- This product makes me feel glowing - 92%
- This product works in synergy with my skin - 88%
- My skin feels more soft - 91%
- My skin feels more supple - 92%
- This product created the perfect base for makeup the next morning - 91%
- I look forward to using this product as part of my routine - 91%
- My skin looks fresh and dewy by morning - 89%
- Brighter, smoother skin by morning/ overtime - 88%
- This product soothes my skin - 88%
- This product evens out my skintone - 85%
- This product doesn't sting my skin - 100%